Triple Bottom Line Companies Fortune 500

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  • Tions (68% of the top 50 global companies on the Fortune 500) has embraced triple bottom line (TBL) public reporting, alternately termed corporate responsibility or sustainability reporting (KPMG, 005), and many of those companies vie for industry, national, and international honors, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
  • Dec 21, 2011 14 Ways To Measure The Impact Of A Company’s Crisis Response. In most of the Fortune 500 today. Then introducing a balanced scorecard or a triple bottom line won’t help much.
  • Triple Bottom Line. With the traditional business landscape rapidly changing, many Fortune 500 companies have realized the need to strategically reinvent and re-organize themselves around both a performance agenda as well as a purpose agenda.
Companies using triple bottom line

Many companies are now attempting to achieve triple bottom line performance on financial, environmental and societal metrics. Successful strategies for such performance, however, generally require new relationships among multiple players in multiple sectors across a company’s supply chain for products and talent. List of fortune 500 companies for 2017 List of fortune 500 companies for 2018 Compiled by Zyxware, a leading drupal development company in India which has its operations in US, UK, Canada, Australia and Middle East.

Corporations as Responsible

A Civil Action was originally a novel, but more people have seen the movie, which was distributed by W. W. Hodkinson’s old company, Paramount. One of the memorable scenes is John Travolta playing a hotshot lawyer speeding up a rural highway to Woburn, Massachusetts. He gets pulled over and ticketed. Then he continues on his way to investigate whether there’s any money to be made launching a lawsuit against a company that allowed toxic industrial waste to escape into the town’s aquifer. The polluted water, Travolta suspects, eventually surfaced as birth defects. After checking things out, he races his Porsche back to Boston at the same speed. Same result.A Civil Action, directed by Steven Zaillian (New York: Scott Rudin, 1998), film.

One of the movie’s messages is that many corporations are like greedy lawyers—they have little sense of right and wrong, and their behavior can only be modified by money. The lesson is that you can’t make Travolta slow down and drive safely by appealing to the right of others to use the road without being threatened by speeding Porsches, or by pleading with him to respect general social well-being that is served when everyone travels at about the same speed. If you want him to slow down, there’s only one effective strategy: raise the traffic ticket fine. Make the money hurt. Analogously for companies, if you want them to stop polluting, hit them with harder penalties when they’re caught.

What if that’s not the only way for corporations to exist in the world, though? What if people who directed businesses began understanding their enterprise not only in financial terms (as profits and losses) but also in ethical ones? What if companies became, in a certain moral sense, like people, members of society bound by the same kinds of duties and responsibilities that you and I wrestle with every day? When companies are seen that way, a conception of corporate social responsibility comes forward.

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February 25, 2019 – The following is a statement from Globalization Partners founder and CEO Nicole Sahin:

If you’ve ever been to a DMV, you might have seen that old cartoon that says: “FAST, CHEAP, GOOD—PICK TWO.” Conventional wisdom is similar when you start a company. People will tell you that you can’t have fast growth, happy customers AND happy employees.


Those people are wrong. One of the most common questions I get as the founder and CEO is: Can a start-up delight clients, provide a great work culture, and see exceptional growth metrics? The answer is yes, you absolutely can.

I know this because at Globalization Partners we’ve done it—and part of our mission is to pass that know-how on to our clients. When I founded this company, my goal was to build a high-growth business that would enable anyone to hire employees anywhere, without the red tape traditionally associated with global expansion. But I also wanted to build a company people love— customers, business partners, and employees. Fast forward a few years and I’m happy to report we’ve had rocket-ship growth numbers, 95% of our clients say that they are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with our services, but perhaps what makes me most proud is we’re also able to regularly win awards for our company culture. We haven’t had to make a trade off, and neither should you.


Triple Bottom Line Companies List

The secret to balancing this success is what I call the Triple Bottom Line: prioritizing happy clients, happy employees, and happy shareholders.

Triple Bottom Line Companies Fortune 500

While a Triple Bottom Line may sound like an obvious formula for growth, it might also feel unrealistic. Its anathema to the typical blitz scaling mantra right now, which is “growth at all costs.” But the reality is, companies who focus only on growth end up underpaying people and treating customers so poorly that growth is ultimately unsustainable.

I wasn’t sure if the Triple Bottom Line would be achievable when I set out to build my business, but I knew I didn’t want to be in business any other way. Now, Globalization Partners is proof that the Triple Bottom Line is an exceptionally good strategy for growth.

About Nicole Sahin, CEO, Globalization Partners
CEO Nicole Sahin’s mission is to make it easy for any company to expand into any country as easily as they hire team members in the United States. Her current focus is building the world’s most competent and trustworthy Global PEO to meet the standards of the company’s Fortune 500 clients. She led Globalization Partners to a ranking of No. 33 on the 2017 Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies in America, No. 6 on the 2016 Inc. 500 list, has been named Entrepreneur of the Year in New England, and has won numerous awards for breaking the traditional corporate mold by building a nationally-recognized company culture.

About Globalization Partners
Globalization Partners, a Global Expansion Platform renowned for pioneering the Global Employer of Record model, helps companies expand internationally into more than 170 countries without the hassle of setting up overseas branch offices and subsidiaries. Through our platform, companies can quickly and easily hire employees overseas without having to navigate complex international legal, tax and HR issues. Whether it’s to test a new market or to expand the talent pool globally, Globalization Partners is the most trustworthy global workforce management solution in the market. We take the burden—and risk—of global expansion off our clients’ shoulders and place it onto ours.